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- INFO-HAMS Digest Wed, 18 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 775
- Today's Topics:
- Heath SB101 enhancements
- NASA Prediction Bulletins: Space Shuttle
- Phonepatches to San Fransisco (3 msgs)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 16 Oct 89 13:18:50 EDT
- From: es!Tim_McNamara_office@harvard.harvard.edu
- Subject: Heath SB101 enhancements
- Does anyone have a list of Heathkit SB-101 updates, enhancements,
- modifications, or just plain 'ol good info on this radio ?
- I'd be greatful for life.
- Thanks & 73,
- Tim McNamara (508) 490-6455
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 18 Oct 89 19:39:05 EDT
- From: tkelso@afit-ab.arpa (TS Kelso)
- Subject: NASA Prediction Bulletins: Space Shuttle
- The most current orbital elements from the NASA Prediction Bulletins are
- carried on the Celestial RCP/M, (513) 427-0674, and are updated several times
- weekly. Documentation and tracking software are also available on this
- system. As a service to the satellite user community, the most current
- elements for the current shuttle mission are provided below. The Celestial
- RCP/M may be accessed 24 hours/day at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud using 8 data
- bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
- STS-34
- 1 20297U 89 84 A 89291.73333059 .00085300 00000-0 25599-3 0 14
- 2 20297 34.3150 148.5416 0006349 265.2700 302.1406 15.90963529 06
- --
- Dr TS Kelso Asst Professor of Space Operations
- tkelso@blackbird.afit.af.mil Air Force Institute of Technology
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Oct 89 06:07:11 GMT
- From: tenspeed@tc.fluke.COM (Jim Ehrmin)
- Subject: Phonepatches to San Fransisco
- As I write this note it has been approximately 5 1/2 hours since the
- tragic earthquake in San Fransisco. I have been monitoring the news
- on my television all evening and have heard repeated requests on the
- 3 major networks requesting that people should NOT try to call the San
- Fransisco area.
- However, as I listen to my shortware radio I have heard several hams
- collecting phone numbers from other hams around the country who were
- trying to get in touch with relatives and loved ones.
- We certainly all understand how anxious we would be to try and confirm
- the safety of relatives and loved ones but isn't this taking advantage
- of the situation? Somehow this struck me as being inappropriate. Am I
- missing something here? Is this part of normal emergency operations?
- Please don't regard my question as a flame. I am very greatful for the
- service that ham radio can and does provide during emergency situations.
- How nice it would be if the American public would understand the importance
- of ham radio.
- Jim Ehrmin
- aka tenspeed
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Oct 89 19:55:56 GMT
- From: katzmann@robotics.jpl.nasa.gov
- Subject: Phonepatches to San Fransisco
- I was one of those concerned about family members in the bay area. In
- particular my 81 year old grandfather in Concord, Ca. So about an hour
- after the quake I asked a ham in the area to give him a call to see if
- he was alright. Everything was fine luckily. This was not a phone
- patch, it was a simple one-way message transfered with the aid of ham
- radio.
- The main reason for posting here is just to say how upset I was to hear
- some of the emergency ham nets getting jammed last night. These jammers
- are very sick individuals!! I felt that if they could be caught that their
- necks should be ringed and their equipment destroyed. These are probably
- feeble little insecure twirps with nothing better to do!
- Anyway, I was curious if this kind of activity accompanied the emergency
- ham activities of Hurricane Hugo on the east coast, or are all the fruits
- and nuts out here in California?
- steve - WA6MUO
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Oct 89 20:20:00 GMT
- From: phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- Subject: Phonepatches to San Fransisco
- One of the problems in a situation like this is that the long distance
- phone lines of all the carriers become totally clogged with telephone
- calls. News reports I've heard indicate at least one company has
- controlled their call routing so that no calls except placed by an
- operator will go through so that the phone lines remain open for the
- important calls.
- Because phone service IN THE AFFECTED AREA is spotty, it is more prudent
- to allow those who do have working phone service to call OUT to inform
- friends and relatives that they are ok, than it is to allow outsiders to
- call IN to find out, when a large portion of these calls will be wasted
- to dead service areas.
- Ham radio traffic can be of great value to the general public by
- forwarding messages of this ("we are all ok") type. Even so, outbound
- messages should have higher priority than inbound ones.
- I personally would like to hear about what INTRA Bay Area ham radio
- activity is taking place. I suspect that we will hear about this, but
- not immediately.
- --Phil howard-- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
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- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #775
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